Advances in da Vinci Energy: Delivering Value in Women’s Healthcare
Intuitive presents the new da Vinci Energy platform, designed to amplify speed, precision, and versatility in its advanced energy portfolio, including faster Vessel Sealer Extend with the E-100 generator, and SynchroSeal, offering multifunction and single-step transection. Dr. Swainston will present the valuable impact on care for his patients with da Vinci Energy.
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Circumferential Radial Dilation, a Novel Approach to Uterine Access in Challenging Anatomies with Definity Cervical Dilator
Definity is the first technological advance in the arena of cervical dilation to access the uterine cavity via the cervix in the last 140 years. The presentation will include:
- Technological overview, including the principals of circumferential radial dilation and the Definity SureAccess guide balloon
- Indications and patient selection
- Procedural technique
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Introduction to the Sonata Transcervical Fibroid Ablation System
Come learn about the Sonata Transcervical Fibroid Ablation System. Dr. Chudnoff will present a quick overview of the data, followed by a video presentation of a live Sonata Treatment.
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Bulkamid Webinar: A new Treatment Paradigm for Patients with SUI
Bulkamid received FDA approval on January 28th, 2020 for the treatment of SUI due to ISD in adult women who have SUI or stress predominant mixed incontinence. The Bulkamid Urethral Bulking System has been utilized in Europe for over 12 years and has been used successfully as a treatment in over 75,000 women. The webinar details the unique properties of Bulkamid as a Hydrogel, the published RCT data of Bulkamid vs TVT, a perspective on treating the modern patient and feedback from current US users. The Bulkamid Urethral Bulking System has a proprietary precision delivery system that allows for effective and durable outcomes for patients suffering from SUI.
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 Andrea Pezzella, MD Director of Southern UroGynecology Center for Incontinence and Female Pelvic Medicine West Columbia, SC
 Vincent Lucente, MD MBA
Director of The Institute for Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery Allentown, PA
 Tomi Mikkola, MD
Professor and Head of the Urogynecology Department at Helsinki University Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Finland
Innovations on Sacrospinous Ligament Fixation, the Benefits of Anchorsure Device
This product theater will introduce an anchor device to perform an easy and safe SSLF. The versatility of Anchorsure that fits with any reconstruction technique whether if it’s using biologic graft or native tissue will be discussed, as well as the reduction of post-op pelvic pain compared to suturing devices.
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The FEMSelect EnPlace™: A Meshless, Limited Dissection & Truly Minimally Invasive SSLF Option
Drs. Erickson and Lucente will provide a brief product overview and clinical data synopsis of EnPlace, a mesh free approach for pelvic floor fixation. There will be a discussion of key procedural steps and why EnPlace should be the SSLF platform of choice.
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 Ty B Erickson, MD FPMRS
Rosemark Women Care Specialists Idaho Falls, ID
Vincent Lucente, MD MBA
Director of the Institute for Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery Allentown, PA
Clinical Experience with a Robotic System for Trans-vaginal Gynecologic Surgery*
A presentation on an innovative robotic technology that enables transvaginal gynecologic surgery. This surgical approach, in conjunction with the enabling technology may expand the clinical utilization of transvaginal hysterectomy beyond its current rate of approximately 16% of all hysterectomies. An in-depth examination of the factors that will allow vaginal hysterectomy to finally move from a niche technique to the preferred method of hysterectomy.
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Robert Zurawin, MD Associate Professor Baylor College of Medicine Department of OB/GYN

S. Abbas Shobeiri MD, MBA, FACOG, FACS, CMPE Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology Vice Chair INOVA Fairfax Hospital |
Jan Baekelandt MD, PhD Gynecological Oncology and Endoscopy Imelda Hospital Bonheiden, Antwerpen, Belgium |
*The Hominis System is pending FDA clearance and is not for sale in the United States
Hemostasis in Gynecologic Surgery
A presentation on the different hemostatic agents that are available for the Gynecologic Surgeon; and allowing participants to gain a better understanding of the use of the right agent for the right bleeding situation.
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Monitoring Quality Improvement is the Path Forward: A Discussion with Charley Rardin
Dr. Charley Rardin will review the rationale behind the registry, importance of benchmarking SUI outcomes, explain the process to become a site, describe differences between a Quality Improvement Registry and IRB study and highlight the simplified data entry. Also, learn how an industry collaboration is helping to propel the registry forward. Includes Q & A.
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 Charles Rardin, MD, FACOG, FACS
Chief of Surgical Operations Women & Infants Hospital
Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University
Providence, RI
David Staskin, MD
Chief Medical Officer, UroCure
Associate Professor of Urology Tufts University School of Medicine
BOTOX® for OAB*: Your Role in Supporting the Patient Journey
Designed for OAB Care Team members to help improve their BOTOX® knowledge. This program outlines a streamlined, patient-centric approach to the BOTOX® patient journey.
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