The Nancy Frankel & Lennie Siegel Fellow Scholar Fund was established in 2022 in honor of their ten years of dedicated service to SGS. The new fund will support registration, travel, housing and SGS Associate Member dues for a fellow to attend the SGS Annual Meeting. The SGS Fellow Scholar Program was initiated by Nancy Frankel, Executive Director of SGS, in 2014 in an effort to foster the educational opportunities and mentorship found within SGS for the next generation of gynecologic surgeons.
All donors to the Nancy Frankel & Lennie Siegel Fellow Scholar Fund will be recognized through the SGS website and during annual meetings. Donations may be made by credit card or by check by clicking on the below "Donate Now" button.

Donors to Nancy Frankel & Lennie Siegel Fellow Scholar Fund
Ted Anderson Sarah Andiman Danielle Antosh Ethan Balk Brandy Butler Jeffrey Clemons Jeffrey Cornella Marlene Corton Catrina Crisp Patrick Culligan Tricia Daigle John O. L. DeLancey Alexis Dieter Nicole Donnellan Gena Dunivan Cecile Ferrando Jocelyn Fitzgerald Rajiv Gala Bobby Garcia Elliot Greenberg Cara Grimes Daniel Gruber Robert Gutman Christine Heisler Tanya Hoke Cheryl Iglesia Jana Illston Peter Jeppson Kimberly Kenton Rosanne Kho Cara King Melinda Letterman Ernest Lockrow Jaime Long Vincent Lucente Tina Mahajan Saifuddin Mama Mamta Mamik Rodney G. Meeks Kate Meriwether Douglas Miyazaki Michael Moen Kira Moore Abraham Morse Miles Murphy Thomas E. Nolan Gina Northington Amy Park Lisa Peacock Jon Pennycuff Holly E. Richter Nancy Ringel Kasey Roberts Rebecca Rogers Peter Rosenblatt Whitney Ross Mitchell Schuster Matthew Siedhoff Kris Strohbehn Vivian Sung Marc Toglia Christine Vaccaro Edward Varner Anthony Visco Stacey Wallach Andrew Walter Mark Walters Sheldon Weinstein Amanda White Terry White Kate Woodburn Kelly Wright Linda Yang Ladin Yurteri-Kaplan Carl Zimmerman