SGS Committees
At present, SGS has 9 standing committees (Communications Committee, Executive Committee, Education Committee, Finance Committee, Membership Committee, Nominating Committee, Postgraduate Committee, Research Committee, and Scientific Program Committee). Each year in late October/early November, SGS conducts a Call for Volunteers to serve on various committees. The vacancies and open positions vary from year to year based on member terms and other society developments. The general term of service on SGS committees is three years, which begins immediately after the spring SGS Annual Meeting.
Current Openings (January 2025)
Communications Committee – Podcast Subcommittee Description: The Communications Committee’s purpose is to oversee the communication channels used by the Society to communicate with and engage both SGS members and potential members, and to ensure information distributed via SGS communication channels is current and up to date. The committee will develop strategy and content for distribution via social media channels, will conduct periodic reviews of the SGS website and recommend updates and new content, and will develop a production plan and content for the SGS Unscrubbed podcast. Additional communication-related projects may be suggested to the Board of Directors for approval and/or may be designated by the Board of Directors based on the Society’s needs and strategic plan.
The committee will be chaired by an Active Member appointed by the Board of Directors. To ensure all communications channels have adequate attention, the committee will be comprised of three subcommittees, each led by an Associate Chair. The three subcommittees will be Social Media Subcommittee, Website Subcommittee, and the Podcast Subcommittee.
Due to the rapid changes in communication tools and technology, and a desire to reach and engage young professionals via SGS communications, Associate and Associate Post Training members are eligible to be voting members of the Communications Committee and/or serve as Associate Chair of a subcommittee, provided there is an equal or majority number of Active SGS members in each subcommittee. It is recommended to have 3-4 members on each subcommittee.
Advocacy - Women First Research Coalition SGS recently joined more than a dozen other societies are a member of the WFRC. WFRC advocates for the increased federal investment in women’s health research, including for obstetrics and gynecology, and supports policies that ensure an adequate women’s health research workforce, including the participation of women in that workforce. SGS welcomes members who have experience or proven interest in advocacy to join this new advocacy team. The coalition meets virtually on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 5pm Eastern. More information can be found here.
If you have experience and are interested in either of these opportunities, please send a brief statement of interest and CV to [email protected] (abbreviated CV pr bio sketch strongly preferred).