
46th Annual Scientific Meeting

20/20 Vision
Embracing innovation that builds on past success

July 9 - 12, 2020 | Virtual

PG Course 4
Sunday, July 12, 2020 | 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm ET

Transvaginal Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery Using Graft Augmentation Post FDA 

Charles Butrick, MD

Charles “Chip” Butrick is a practicing, board-certified urogynecologist in Kansas City.  His original exposure to urogynecology started during his OB GYN residency at Washington University, St. Louis in 1980. His urogynecology training has involved multiple preceptorships with both urogynecologists and urologists from around the country and continues to this day.  His area of special interest involves neuro urology, especially as it applies to various pain disorders.  Approximately 40% of his practice involves chronic pelvic pain management and he was a founder of the International Pelvic Pain Society.  He has been actively involved in education of providers in the evaluation and management of patients with various pelvic pain disorders for the last 25 years.  He has authored many articles and chapters and is involved in at least 7 peer reviewed journals including the Journal of Urology, the Journal of Sexual Medicine and all journals involved in urogynecology and OB/GYN.