Concept Proposals
Concept Proposals must be submitted in advance of a meeting to allow for review by the CoRPS Steering Committee. 5 – 10 minutes will be allotted for presentation of a Concept Proposal at the meeting, followed by up to 30 minutes of discussion.
The written Concept Proposal should be no more than 3 pages and include the following sections:
- Abstract—brief summary of the proposed research including primary hypothesis and research question;
- Background and Significance—brief summary of supporting research and preliminary studies;
- Study design—preliminary description of how the study will be executed including the study population, inclusion criteria, exclusion criteria, randomized groups (if applicable), and methods. A sample size calculation should be included;
- Resources needed – mentors in specific clinical area, research methodology, funding, statistician, database support, etc
- Feasibility
- Budget—a rough estimate of the total cost of the study should be included;
- References